English lesson kids
>> Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Ok kids, today we will learn 5 different ways to say the weather is (and will be for the next 10 days) TOTAL CRAP!!!!!!
Lets start with the simple observation that when we are using adjectives to describe something it is best to variate them, thus avoiding repeating the same thing over and over again which will diminish the power of description.
So, lets take the weather that is expected and pick out some nice adjectives to describe it.
For example, how would you say FREAKING RAIN for the next 5 days!!!!!?????
Well lets consult weather.com and see what they came up with.
According to them, CRAP WEATHER could be described by using the following:
"Partly Cloudy" - a safe optimistic way to say CRAP weather
"Cloudy" - see "Partly Cloudy" yet less optimistic
"Showers" - accenting Rain's benevolent functions
"Scattered Showers" - just another way to say RAIN all over the place
"Wind and Rain"- finally admitting that its CRAP weather yet somehow making it seem festive almost like a party... hey guys come on over! Wind and Rain will be here too! Bring Coronas!
This really sucks because I was really hoping to show off the surprisingly good NY september weather to Nico, and now baaaahhh! In fact I was really hoping to get some more bronzature going on too!!!! But fear not! Just another Sempre Primavera challenge... if it really does rain who cares! No one said you can't eat lobsters while it rains!! Or drink various beverages! (With little umbrellas in them!.. haha get it... umbrellas!!! hehehe)
Anyway, we'll see I guess... still plenty of time for the wather people to be wrong...