I want to vacuum. Like, now!

>> Tuesday, November 7, 2006

I feel like I'm in a vacuum. I don't mean the outer space kind, I mean a vacuum, like for vacuuming your house. I feel very focused and thankfully a strong "wind" is blowing me into the right direction. Actually scratch that. I feel like I'm in a leaf blower! Pretty soon I will be propelled out into the right direction! Ok, that's a better imagery, I obviously don't think getting sucked into the vacuum cleaner is the right direction to go.

I'm the kind of person that just CANNOT "float" through life. I work best either when I have to fight against the flow, or have a strong jet stream bring me to where I need to be going. But it may be noted that I always have to have some kind of GOAL and preferably a deadline. Otherwise, I literally cannot function. I'm not proud of it. I don't think there is anything particularly wrong with just floating and enjoying life. But I personally can't function unless there is something ahead of me that I need to accomplish.

I can directly correlate the times of my life in which I was the busiest to the times when I undertook extra hobbies, extra sports, boyfriend(s), and had the highest grades. This would explain why I always overloaded on courses in college and graduated early anyway. But this is very very sad, because the only bragging I can do stoppes with college. After that, everything was just one big unseasoned mashed potatoes mush. Just plain nothing bla.

The good thing is that now I feel very focused on a new task, and precisely that is helping me to start setting up for accomplishing my other goals. Though everything is still moving at what seems to be turtle speed. Even when I go running in the evenings I tend to sprint like a mad woman because I feel the need for speed.

I realize this is a bunch of abstract mambojumbo. So we're going to put together a list of things to actually DO right now:

1. Shopping for jaw dropping outfits for my trip.

2. Increase my mad woman dashings to twice a day.

3. Get a pink leather passport cover that says: "Princess"

4. Find a proper Album for my PICTURES!!!!!

That's not enough, but lets concentrate on geting this done well.



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