Paris! Hand me that dog!
>> Friday, February 13, 2009
I am publically protesting this economic downturn depressing bullcrap!
I have decided to take a STAND and NOT change the way I live!
To demonstrate my protest I have prominently desplayed the Financial Times "how to spend it" magazine on my desk all day today!
Like I said, I'm refuse to change the way I live and behave just because there is a boo-hoo crisis going on. I'm going to CONTINUE to leaf through such magazines and to droool over 5,000 dollar shoes, dimond encrusted mercedees's, and 80,000 dollar super lux vacations, in teh VERY SAME way I've been doing before the crisis.
That's right! I refuse to let this affect me!
ps: I get the magazine for free since my job subscribes to FT.