We had a fantastic stay at Doorwerth. Like I said it was our very first trip with Jr. and we wanted to go not too far from home. The hotel is located in a park zone and has a lovely terrace where we sat and had beers in the afternoon sun. There were also tennis courts as we noticed... and contemplated being interested in tennis as we drank our beers. (No really, we'll seriously be all over that because I just ordered expensive tennis raquets for both of us!)
Anyway, for just a bit more we upgraded to a suite and Jr. had his own room :).
Activities: Walking or biking
We decided to take it easy and just walked around with the baby carriage. The weather was fantastic and the surrounding parks beautiful. The hotel is a convenient 20 minute walk from
Kasteel Doorwerth. All around the castle there are numerous bike and walking paths available that lead you through the surrounding forrest. We didn't go too crazy, just walked to the castle had lunch on the terrace and walked back. After all we wanted to be 'on time' for beers at the hotel! I'm sorry... so how exactly did our life ''change'' after having a baby??
I think we'll be ok, our next trip is already planned too! Another one in the Netherlands because we're still a bit chickens, but after that we'll tackle something a bit more adventurous.