looming doome...continued

>> Monday, March 2, 2009

Big Vito and I were in NY last week visiting the family.  It was extremely lovely!  We received TONS of love from all of my family members, the chosen format was food.  Ahhhhh love is YUMMY!
We also took a chance to do some quicky shopping though the dollar is not that weak against the euro anymore... (or at least it wasn't last week?).
Maybe it was my imagination but the 'vibe' on the 'street' was sort of blue.  Everyone seemed to be sedated in a way.  Even walking up Broadway in SOHO which is usually stacked with slightly crazed people shopping, seemed desolate!  It was scary.  I'm sorry, if people can't afford Zara, then what's next?  Wearing a TRASH BAG???
If this ain't the signs of the 'end of days' then I don't know what is!


alexis March 3, 2009 at 1:39 PM  

wow, I guess it was inevitable that would happen

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