Dad knows best

>> Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So the blog's name is back to "Sunny all the time". Honestly there has not been a whole lot of partying going on lately. (Just a whole lot of painting and cleaning). Plus my dad told me that "Party all the time" was a bad name. In his words, "it's not funny, it's not sexy and it's not even blonde".

My dad is REALLY good at knowing the right way to get his point across.

For example when I was in my first year of high school, my aunt wanted to be the first one to give me my VERY first cigarette. So there we were being very naughty in the kitchen lighting up the skinny capris (she bought a box especially for the occasion since she does not smoke) while the rest of the family were all in the living room. Then finally they heard us snickering and made us come outside. So there I was, having my very first cigarette in front of my entire family.

My dad looked at me and said: "YOU definitely shouldn't. Honestly, you really don't look good smoking AT ALL... you're not tall enough to look good with a cigarette in your hand, and you're just not skinny enough, in order to smoke and look good, you gotta be as tall and skinny like those super models. With your frame it just looks dumb."

Needless to say I'm NOT a smoker.

Just like you know how everyone says you should drink plenty of water because it's good for you bla bla bla... and we never drink enough water. Well my dad has another direct explanation of why one should get enough water. "Because if you don't get enough water, you're allowing sediment to gather together in your gall bladder and when you hit 40 you'll be painfully peeing out boulders in the hospital with the help of doctors."

Thanks dad, I'm not a smoker, and I drink plenty of liquids. :)

If anyone has a burning question on their mind, please feel free to ask, I'll pass it on to my dad. But trust me the advice will NOT leave you unchanged.


alexis December 4, 2008 at 11:59 AM  

burning questions and gallstones... puts me off a bit. :)

AinA Dad December 5, 2008 at 11:00 PM  

I think I can relate very well with your Dad

cadiz12 December 7, 2008 at 2:04 AM  

it takes a very special kind of wise in order to know your kid so well that you can say exactly the perfect thing to tell her what to do without actually TELLING her what to do.

well done, Ale's dad!

Bernadette December 18, 2008 at 6:46 PM  

bravo Babbo! Ok, so you aren't rolling your own anymore? That was so much fun when you would have that skinny beat up pathetic looking cigarette that you made...darn :-) Io direi che babbo sa tutto...gli daresti tanti saluti da me...alla mamma e il piccolo anche!

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