How to deal with being a new mom.

>> Monday, February 21, 2011

Freak out for 2 weeks straight, indulge in random (yet totally NOT random to me) crying, call friends that just had babies and realize that it's all totally normal... so have an "ohhh!" moment.

Then get to work:

1. Book a hair appoitment and get highlights (9 month of peroxide abstinence can throw a girl for a loop let me tell ya!)

why? Because getting your hair done is the best way to deal with a crisis situation. And having a baby equates in stress level to a crisis situation.

2. Book a weekend away.

why? To get yourself on track to normalicy. Having a weekend booked is like saying, yes we had a baby but we're not about to slow our bad selves down! (Is it still ok to talk in bad slang if you're a parent?)

3. Book another weekend away.

why? Just to reinforce point #2.

4. Start planning a road trip on another continent.

why? because after all these weekends away, we'll need a vacation as a family ;)

Ta da! We're on track to something here!

Well these steps work for me. If you found this bit of "parenting advice" useless, that's ok. This is something that's working for me, and the real advice is: we're all different, what works for me may be different from what works for you. Think about what would help you to get used to being a mom and then do it! Don't feel silly about taking care of yourself, if you're happy and pampered, you'll be able to make your baby happy and pampered.


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