Ok, let's make a deal...
>> Thursday, February 28, 2013
I never talk about my work. But I'd like to share this with you. I'm in sales, every year I negotiate service contract prices with my clients. Every year I hear the same story from all my clients. Here are a few examples:
HUGE Bank: you can't raise our prices.
Me: why not?
HUGE Bank: blablabla...tough economy...excuses...excuses that don't make sense... blabla
Me: ok, let's make a deal, I don't raise your price and you stop sending me emails about how you're lowering the interest % on my savings account for the 6th time this year. Ok?
TAX Body or other: you can't raise our prices
Me: why not?
TAX Body or other: blablablaaaaa...limited budget...blabla....blaaaaa... excuses that make no sense...bllaaaaaa
Me: ok, let's make a deal, I don't raise your price and you don't raise my taxes this year. OK?
Cosmetics Conglamorate: we want X, Y, Z service thrown in for free with this year's contract.
Me: you'll have to pay for the X, Y, Z service, it won't be free.
Cosmetics Conglamorate: but...blabla ... blaabla booohooooo waaahhh blaaaa
Me: ok, let's make a deal, I'll throw in X, Y, Z service for free to your contract and you send me free make-up for equal amount, I'll email you my list tomorrow. OK?
My clients LOVE me!
(disclaimer: this post of course a work of fiction in it's entirety, and this blog is a work of purely creative expression. Anything described resembling real life events are purely coincidental) ;) ;)
My lawyer LOVEs me!