Excuse me.. why doesn't this yellowfin have a yellow fin?

>> Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ok, how blonde am I??

I bought this packet of frozen yellowfin fillets and went a bit too happy with it cooking it up in different ways.

I fried up a fillet with some flour and pepper.

I fried one up with a bit of olive oil and served it with a big salad and some potatoes.

I even added some of it to a spicy tomatoe sauce and then had it over fusilli...

Today, I was thinking what to do with the last fillet. While I defrosted it I prepared a lovely soup based on fish boullion with some vegetables and spices a bit of lemmon grass then as I was cutting up the defrosted fillets to put in a soup I took a really close look at them. They looked very curiously... done. Have I left them in warm water long enough for them to cook!???

Then it struck me!

I grabed the plastic bag in which the fillets were in, and sure enough in the instructions it said that the fillets were already cooked, they just needed a finishing touch such as a minute of frying or 2 minutes of steaming.

Oh! I thought, that explains the mystery of why the fillets cooked so fast!!!!


cadiz12 November 30, 2008 at 1:20 AM  

you're so silly, ale. but i did the same thing with this chicken sausage i got at trader joes. already cooked!

AinA Dad November 30, 2008 at 3:14 AM  

Any male will tell you that those instructions are just an annoying nuisance.

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