Boston minute

>> Tuesday, September 25, 2007

In the hotel watching the Bachelor... what agony!!! I don't know who is in more agony, him or me just from watching!!! Haha always a good time. I don't know what it is, the power of suggestion or what, but I don't understand how 25 cute enough girls act crazy in love with one rather average dude!? Hmm... don't know what's that all about...

Oh... and super exciting news, next month's line up includes Paris, Madrid.... and Valencia in a very healthy mix of both business and pleasure!!! Must recharge my camera battery! However not to discount the appeal of spending good quality time on the home couch!!!

Now don't be tricked by my once again over use of exclamation points, I'm actually totally tired, the bachelor is about to hand out his last rose and I'm going to fall immediately asleep..

Buenas noches!!!


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