summer is magic

>> Sunday, February 28, 2010

(my brother with mom)

I think I've just about convinced my parents to let my 10 year old brother come spend his summer vacation with Vito and I! I'm so excited! Well, I'm excited but at the same time I've also started panicking when after days of searching I'm still scrambling to find day time activities for him. I basically will have to provide my Dad a play-by-play of every single day in order for Danilo to be able to stay here for an extended time.

Do you know any 10 year olds? Especially 10 year old boys?? They need to be engaged (read: entertained) every single moment. They're something out of this world! Literally they have a lot more in common with the aliens they spend days chasing and blowing up on their playstations then with regular earth walking people... They even TALK differently, but that's probably something we can discuss in a whole post on it's own.

So basically I'm now researching all kinds of day camp options and it seems to be difficult since Dutch kids only have 6 week vacations, 3 weeks of which their parents usually go on trips with them, and the remaining 3 weeks are spent playing with neighborhood kids, going to the pool with grandma and other close to home activities. I used to go to sleep away camp for TWO entire months and still have a couple of weeks left over. But in the words of my longest standing personal hero Phileas Fogg "There is no problem that doesn't have a solution".


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