Searching for truth...
>> Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Waw! Today I left the office at 6pm!! It was so freakishly early that upon exiting the building I literally was a bit lost... I wasn't sure what to do with myself!
Thank goodness I quickly adjusted to the situation, as I usually do. Plus I had my co-worker, lets call her MariElena Fantozzi di Luca to give me emotional support. (What?... What's wrong with that name?? Her actual initial ARE in fact M.E.F., the di Luca I just threw in for extra gusto.)
On the way home I always walk by the Empire State Building and get to give dirty looks to the tourists in the ever present line to go up to the observation deck. **Just to clarify, by dirty looks I mean making very seductive, temptress eyes at the cute young tourist boys from Germany... Italy... and wherever else they all come from with their enthusiastic laugh and messy hair.** ***Yep... I'm a sucker for messy hair...and hook noses...***
Back to the point...
So, here we are walking along 5th avenue with MariElena Fantozzi di Luca, enjoying our early withdrawal from the office and there walking behind us this couple bickering in Spanish. Something about him cheating on her, and maybe if she wasn't so fat, he wouldn't be, or maybe it was about not getting the correct groceries at the supermarket, probably a combination of both I'm not EXACTLY sure. All I know it was SO ANNOYING! And if you're familiar with midtown after work pedestrian traffic you know that the flux of people is so thick that you have no choice but to walk with the mass, and people next to you will stay there for a good number of blocks. They kept arguing and arguing... I mean DON'T be with him if his actions are not satisfactory! If she is too fat for you, leave her! Why yell at a person to make them change something that they OBVIOUSLY do not want to change about themselves!! Or even better: Don't be with someone that brings out the qualities you never want to see in yourself!!
For example, my latest Ex did something that completely annoyed me. At that very moment in my head I said very calmly in the baseball announcer guy voice: "You'rrrre OUTTA HERE". Furthermore I did not even bother to inform him of this fact until there was an opportune moment to simply let him know that if he should need my help in MOVING OUT, I'll be available Saturday between the hours of 2 and 4.30pm. Why didn't I "talk" to him you ask? What's the point?? Just so I can become a nag? NO WAY, NO THANKS. The bottom line is, I did not like myself in the role of the nagging, complaining girlfriend so I'd rather say Ba-Bye than become something I don't find especially sexy. Of course he was completely shocked, and wanted to know what happened. "Its just not fun for me." I said. The truth. Why, how, when, what. Those are useless questions that would reveal even more useless details. That in the end will not change the result.
Ok, fine so the example above is one I'm proud of. I must admit though that not mentioned are the experiences preceding this one where I would in fact become the NAG or would get NAGGED and after countless tries to "work it out" it would end anyway. So why waste time?
Sorry, I keep loosing track of where this is going...
So after my poor Ex got kicked out (I even made him wash all the dishes before departure) I found his Maui Jim Sunglasses. He kept saying how they were these $500 glasses and bla bla and bla bla. For a guy who was a really casual dresser it was very strange to me that he actually cared SO much about the brand of his sunglasses and being proud with their supposed price tag. Ok, anyway. I on the other had AM a true brand name appreciator, (I have my lovely Chanels) so finding the glasses did give me some pleasure. I've never heard of Maui Jims but the fact that these glasses were so DEAR to him and now I had them was a nice ironic touch. I wanted to immediately tell him that I've found them, but the Brand Name Loving monster in me broke my fingers so I was not able to dial. I always thought they were girls' style anyway. (Maybe he stole them from his ex Ex girlfriend...) So funny enough today I happened to be wearing MY Maui Jims and decided to stop by this very fancy shmancy Optica store to "appraise" my inheritance. To my great disappoitment, the "GQ" guy dressed in all black with spiky blond hair said they were only about $250!!! And I almost believed all his romantic stories about the surfer who founded the company and bla bla and bla bla... and the moon along Hawaiian shores and bla bla and bla bla... Come to think of it he TALKED to much! That's why I love foreign guys, the language barrier is not a barrier really, I think it totally helps in making a relationship successful. The less they speak english the more successful it is.
There we go, an afternoon in search of truth went really well! At least now I know my stupid glasses are NOT worth $500. (Good thing I didn't compromise my personal beliefs and became a nag just to continue dating a boy with Maui Jim glasses... cus' of course that was a major deciding factor... of course). Oh well, I can always just wear them to the beach or to wash my car in... or something...
Boy, I bet with a title like "Searching for truth..." you all thought I was about to deliver something deep and meaningful?!! Ha, ha!! No fat chance buddies! If you are searing for answers to burning questions, I suggest consulting with Cadiz.
Happy kisses and NO NAGGING!
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