>> Friday, November 30, 2012
Jr. is nearing the big 2 birthday. Only now Vito and I are begging to feel like we live with a third PERSON instead of like a cute pet (that poops a lot).
Jr. is decisively deciding to make more decisions on his own. Like what shoes he should wear, and more alarmingly... what shoes mama should wear. He now decides which way his hair should be brushed and there was a bit of a commotion in the bathroom this morning when he tried to "adjust" papa's hair.
Mostly though his newly discovered decision making ability is exercised around food. Coupled with the new found love for talking this is what we hear all day long:
Cookie! cookie mama cookie! - points to where the cookie jar is.
Apple stroop - (in Dutch, apple butter) anythign that is sweet and spreadable... thanks Grandma!
Apple - apple or any fruit or berry that is red
Nana - Banana
Rin - mandarin or any fruit that is not apple or red or a banana
Bear - Pear
He has never had ice cream but knows how to say it and points it out in a book... thanks kinder garden!
What is this green thing?? Hmm... definitely not a cookie... or apple stroop... |
Man, Jr is a man.... baaaahahahahah I have to laugh otherwise I already feel panic and anxiety that he will want to go on a world wide trip and 'make friends' with nice exotic ladies...
I'm the reincarnation of my Great Grandmothers, and my Grandmothers and my Aunt... wait! Times TEN!
Lesson kids: Having kids is not "hard" it's dealing with your dormant craziness that inevitably surfaces triggered by childbirth that is difficult...(!!)