Corner View - Spirituality?

>> Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To me the word "spirituality" signifies some sort of indecision.  I'm a very action oriented person so I don't like to be undecided about anything.  However simply accepting an established answer is also not for me.  So while I don't like the word spirituality I also don't like the word 'religion'.    I guess the difficult part in talking about Faith, religion and God is that there is no template or pre-set instructions even though all religious groups do try to come up with their own.  So what is my view?  I believe in God and I believe in what the Bible says.  Do I doubt this? No. Do I think MY way of seeing it all is the ONLY way?  Of course not! Case closed.

There is nothing sinister about that face!
On a side note.  Long time ago (during the turbulent teenage years) I had a dream in which Yanni was the devil who came to tempt me to 'join him' as we strolled around a bustling square with a fountain in a sunlit picturesque Greek town somewhere in the Greek islands.  He wore a white linen suit and he was extremely friendly and straight forward asking me to 'go with him'.  I remember in my dream being surprised at how NICE the devil was.  At the end or our stroll I told him sorry I won't be 'going with him'.  He smiled and said he thought so, but if I ever change my mind he'll always be waiting.  Goosebumps stuff no!??? ;)

Aside from my crazy dream, I think Yanni makes absolutely amazing music and is a pretty handsome man.

Lesson kids: don't go nowhere with good looking older men wearing white linen suits

Corner View theme:  Kelleyn 
Hosted by Francesca
Invented by Jane


nadine paduart November 14, 2012 at 4:42 PM  

thàt yanni? ...

wow, ale. deep stuff, huh?
i think i dig ya.
and spirituality is in us, i guess, and it don't matter what form it takes, does it. food for thought.

alexis November 14, 2012 at 8:36 PM  

Okay 1) I will not judge you for publicly admitting you like Yanni.

2) Is that a picture of him? Is that what he looks like? OMG - super creepy. Sorry Yanni!! No offence please. I'm sure you have gobs of money and totally don't care anyways.

Francesca November 14, 2012 at 9:03 PM  

sorry, I don't know who Yanni is, but are you sure he was wearing a white linen suit and not a black wolf one? :)

Heather November 14, 2012 at 10:08 PM  

I'll go with him! Give him my address :-)

Alla November 15, 2012 at 6:51 AM  

hahahaha Alexis!!!!!.. i was waiting for that ;) though it was liberating to say it outloud--
would it be a bit redeeming if i said i like how he looks now better? no? .. oh ok :) :)

Francesca yes indeed there might be a wolf outfit underneath the white linnen...

Heather you rebel! :)

Kari November 15, 2012 at 9:28 AM  

he's not a bad looking man at all and yes he makes great music.
thanks for sharing what you believe in, it's not always an easy thing to do.
but that's another reason why i love CV.....your corner, your view shared.
take care.

cadiz12 November 16, 2012 at 6:22 AM  

he looks way less creepy there than he did in the '90s, which is probably how he looked in your dream.

i am so not going to look at him the same way from now on.

Le monde dÖ November 16, 2012 at 1:54 PM  

Music is a beautiful "way" to search answers... even if we think there are... no... answers ;)))

shayndel November 17, 2012 at 8:18 AM  

Such a fun view, and amazing how you got the dream and the video in such sync, his playing in Greece and your dream in Greece, and after all that is one land where the Gods and Goddesses play!! I think there is an important aspect you bring out to spirtuality, how the universe invites us to play and we are not supposed to strictly believe one thing or another, but as you do, to find out and invite them all in!!! Hope that makes sense! Happy week to you!

Redeker November 18, 2012 at 9:49 AM  

I also don't know who Yanni is.
And I think that spirituality is in you, some people read thebible, some people read something else.. doesn't really matter for me!

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