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>> Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I go through my "impatient stages". That's where I just get impatient for no apparent reason. (Probably the Aries nature.) There is nothing in particular or even in general that I want, but for some reason I just get impatient...

The danger of such "impatience" is that in order to rationalize it I tend to apply it (or assign it) to an actual thing or situation. Here is a perfect example of such impatience that really has nothing to do with anything, definitely had nothing to do with Nico, but I still applied it to an event since it was a way to explain it.

Well, I think its time for a quick reminder to get back to "basics" of SemprePrimavera which dictates:

There is really no reason for bad mood for no reason...
Though being happy and giddy is a must any season!!


It is much better to have glittery anticipation of something really really good that cannot be explained... The anticipation of something great makes you happy and giddy and why should we not be happy and giddy for no reason!!!??? Its much better then feeling impatient, unhappy, angry (insert negative word). If we are going to choose how to feel for 'no reason' why not choose to be happy and giddy!!!

hurraaay! Problem solved!
Thank you,
You're welcome,

...what? you never talk to yourself? My drama teacher in 8th grade told me it was very healthy to talk to yourself... though my math teacher said I could find better company... ehhh whatever, always hated math anyway!!



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