Fun in the sun!
>> Monday, August 6, 2007
The weekend was absolutely gorgeous! Starting Friday it was sunny and warm ending up as HOT by Sunday. Friday la mamma di Vito took me for a nice little (3.5 hours) ride around the nearest towns and lake. What a gorgeous, gorgeous bike ride! I love seeing dutch towns because it's always a mix of really old built houses and new architecture...
On the lake you could see a number of sailing schools practicing. Danielle, pay attention, this is where you're going to go for your lessons when you're here!The beach was a ZOO all weekend...!!! I've never seen so many kids all at once in the same spot. If the population growth rate is dipping in the entire Europe please be sure to note that it is NOT dipping here in Holland. People are popping them out like hot cakes!! Or... pancakes!! Yes I know, not very respectful of the whole child baring process but there are just so many kids here. AND they're all PLATINUM blond!!!! How do the parents tell which one is whose??? I mean after a day at the beach where all the blond kids run around yell and scream the same way with their little pink and blue plastic buckets, how do you know which one to take home at the end of the day!??? Maybe it's a good idea to tag them. Actually would be kinda nice to have one of those self retractable leashes so at the end of the day you just press a button and the kid is just sucked back to your blanket. Yeah that would be useful.
Speaking of kids... Here is Big Bad Vito getting in touch with his childlike inner-self. We met up at the beach with Ranirio and Bernadetta to whom I was able to complain about how Vito is one scary dude who tells me what to do. They just confirmed that yes indeed that sounds like Vito and suggested I rename my blog "It's Scary all the time!" Well... Vito decided to soften his hard image just a bit and allow for some playful activities like ice cream licking. (P.S. I like Vito telling me what to do... sshhh don't tell anyone!)
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