Interviewing 102 - Discussing cleavage

>> Friday, July 6, 2007

Appearance is important, lets not pretend that it's not. How you dress and do your hair can literally affect if you get the job or not. Every detail can boost you just a bit ahead of the next candidate. So this brings us to the following question...
How much cleavage to show???

Well, I personally keep it under wraps for the first interview, and for the second I still keep it to a minimal. Just as a basic rule of thumb, if your shoes are super high and/or very expensive -NO cleavage. If your shoes are lower and more casual a bit of cleavage is just the right amount to create a relaxed atmosphere.
Happy Interviewing!
for mom: I'm talking about toe lines peaking out from shoes (see diagram above) that's called toe cleavage.


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