Where you from and who is your daddy?

>> Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Yesterday started out as a bright sunny day! Did I leave my umbrella at home??? NO! It is always in my purse. Sure enough around noon it started pouring.

Today: Sunny... I think I will bring my umbrella.

People ask me how I'm dealing with the big differences between Amsterdam and New York. Well for the umthousandsthsssths time, it's actually VERY similar! In the things that I like.

For example I went to a party on Saturday, lets go through a list of who was there (that I got to meet).

Austrian, Danish, Japanese

Chinese girl born in Norway

3 Italian guys (Italian guys never go anywhere alone)

Swiss, German, and a French guy that spoke Russian

even a Canadian

and of course a few Dutchies just for diversity :)

Basically the one thing that I loved the most about NYC, the international flare, it's here!
*above is a sneaky pic I took with my camera of the rooftop patio before it got full.


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