ohhhh Santa Barbabra!!!!

>> Wednesday, March 15, 2006

e-mail excerpts...

To: Ale
From: Bambi

Ciao Bimba! come stai!? listen... give me your address quick....

To: Bambi
From: Ale

WHAAA!!! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED AREN'T YOU!!!!!!!!!!! you're sending me an INVITATION aren't you!!!!!

*side note: I knew Bambi, my friend from Idaho, is engaged since last year... I knew she was getting married... just didn't think she was getting married like NOW

To: Ale
From: Bambi

Si si.... getting married. And guess what! the Bachelorette party is in Santa Barbara! You and WallStr coming!?

*Bambi knows I LOVE that place, a few years ago during my brief sojourn in California we had some fun adventures out there involving a pools, hot tubs, wine tasting, cows, hot tubs, champaign, more cows... surfboards... sufboys... Coffee... more cows... etc.... In fact the only two post cards that I have on display in my office is one of my love Napoli (Italia) and one of Santa Barbara!

To: WallStr
From: Ale

Hey, guess what, Bambi is having her bachelorette party in Califor...

To: Ale
From: WallStr

Heck YEAH! I'm totally down! Lets Go!!


ahhhh... you are looking at a proud owner of a ticket to California!

And something interesting, these tickets are about a third more expensive than tickets to Germany right now! and flying time is only an hour less...!! So in THEORY, if you're in NY its less expensive, and just about the same logistically, to date someone in Germany than in California.... whaddayouknow!

Waw.. I really must like this guy to sit back, behave myself and let him take the lead without trying to control and manipulate the situation... ahhhh


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