Starbucks the prophet

>> Saturday, March 4, 2006

Today we are going way back in time... we're going back to March 6th in the year... 2005. This was the sempre primavera post #2. Seriously, what is so difficult about staying put? For me it used to be not only about changing jobs but also about changing scenery. West coast? Gold coast? as long as it was a different coast, I was in!

I thought those days were over, unitl today, when my Starbucks cup spoke to me...

Hmm... Starbucks cup has a point...

Its funny how if you've been thinking about something for a while, everything around you starts to point you in that direction...

I can motivate the living daylights into ANYONE, why not myself?

And with these happy thoughts, I wish ya'll a happy weekend! Get motivated people! I want you all to do something usefull, and come back and tell me about it! Ok, now go!

OHH ALMOST FORGOT!!! Go to to listen to her new song: "My thighs don't lie..." Awesome, that's the Shakira we know and love! Shake it baby!!!!


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