>> Sunday, December 28, 2008

Maybe my new year's resolution will be to blog...!?


Dad knows best

>> Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So the blog's name is back to "Sunny all the time". Honestly there has not been a whole lot of partying going on lately. (Just a whole lot of painting and cleaning). Plus my dad told me that "Party all the time" was a bad name. In his words, "it's not funny, it's not sexy and it's not even blonde".

My dad is REALLY good at knowing the right way to get his point across.

For example when I was in my first year of high school, my aunt wanted to be the first one to give me my VERY first cigarette. So there we were being very naughty in the kitchen lighting up the skinny capris (she bought a box especially for the occasion since she does not smoke) while the rest of the family were all in the living room. Then finally they heard us snickering and made us come outside. So there I was, having my very first cigarette in front of my entire family.

My dad looked at me and said: "YOU definitely shouldn't. Honestly, you really don't look good smoking AT ALL... you're not tall enough to look good with a cigarette in your hand, and you're just not skinny enough, in order to smoke and look good, you gotta be as tall and skinny like those super models. With your frame it just looks dumb."

Needless to say I'm NOT a smoker.

Just like you know how everyone says you should drink plenty of water because it's good for you bla bla bla... and we never drink enough water. Well my dad has another direct explanation of why one should get enough water. "Because if you don't get enough water, you're allowing sediment to gather together in your gall bladder and when you hit 40 you'll be painfully peeing out boulders in the hospital with the help of doctors."

Thanks dad, I'm not a smoker, and I drink plenty of liquids. :)

If anyone has a burning question on their mind, please feel free to ask, I'll pass it on to my dad. But trust me the advice will NOT leave you unchanged.


It is official!

>> Sunday, November 30, 2008

We have OFFICIALLY moved!!!

By officially I mean we have slept in then new house! And if I sleep somewhere that makes it official! ;)

Unless it's official I don't spend the night, if you know what I mean...

And I know that you know what I mean because I'm making it very clear.

And by clear I mean official!

So it's clearly very official!!!

Another words... I'm super excited!!! Even though yet another weekend was spent cleaning and re-cleaning and cleaning some more, and for some reason it's just seems to be getting messier and messier! At least the furniture has arrived and the MOST important thing... the internet is ON and the TV works. We just have one issue at the moment, there are more TVs then rooms in usage.

As I told my number one guest candidates (parents and bro) that their guest quarters are definitely coming along nicely. And of course there is a tv. Every room must have a TV. Except for the kitchen and the bathroom. In those rooms you need to concentrate on what you're doing. Stay focused and stuff.

Well, that's all for my little break, must go back to cleeeeeeaaaningggg....


Excuse me.. why doesn't this yellowfin have a yellow fin?

>> Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ok, how blonde am I??

I bought this packet of frozen yellowfin fillets and went a bit too happy with it cooking it up in different ways.

I fried up a fillet with some flour and pepper.

I fried one up with a bit of olive oil and served it with a big salad and some potatoes.

I even added some of it to a spicy tomatoe sauce and then had it over fusilli...

Today, I was thinking what to do with the last fillet. While I defrosted it I prepared a lovely soup based on fish boullion with some vegetables and spices a bit of lemmon grass then as I was cutting up the defrosted fillets to put in a soup I took a really close look at them. They looked very curiously... done. Have I left them in warm water long enough for them to cook!???

Then it struck me!

I grabed the plastic bag in which the fillets were in, and sure enough in the instructions it said that the fillets were already cooked, they just needed a finishing touch such as a minute of frying or 2 minutes of steaming.

Oh! I thought, that explains the mystery of why the fillets cooked so fast!!!!


Wish list!

>> Monday, November 24, 2008

We worked all weekend long!! Painting and painting and floor laying! Wow. Good thing once again friends and family were there to give a professional hand.

I was tired, and maybe complained a bit, but to think of it, here we are moving into such a nice house... and dare we complain!? Ridiculous, yet so tipical :)

Now onto serious matters... The holidays are coming we all have our lists in our minds of all the wonderful presents we soon be exchanging with each other.

Here is a list from an organization (a really small one) who are working in about 4 villages in Dominican Republic. They're making really inspirational progress organizing water filtration systems one house (hut) at a time and working to build a better school for the kids.

They also have a wish list: http://www.nchild.org/trip_donation.htm

They've outline exactly what is needed, a lot of the stuff can be bought right from Walmart, or Home Depot.

Hmm... I wonder if I can ship over some fuzzy little chicks for the chicken farm!???


>> Friday, November 21, 2008

I absolutely love the details, pay attention to the lanterns. Just imagine sitting by the pool at midnight with warmth still escaping from the stones of the courtyard, and lanterns... Mmmm... bring me that rose water ice cream- I'm having a blissful moment...
And btw here is a recipe:




Power my Shower!

>> Thursday, November 20, 2008

hmm... I'm actually not sure how I feel about these..

A RAIN Shower?

I think they look really pretty, but I don't think they're very practical. I like showers with lots of power! I would not like some weak drizzle in my shower! Ew.

Maybe someone can think of the super storm shower!? That would sound more up my alley. Maybe even a WAVE shower!!!!! You know like those wave pools! Awesome, I gotta confess I was a lifeguard at one of those during my Highschool years and let me tell you, everytime they'd turn the waves on, I'd have to kinda force myself to swallow... scary stuff...

So no rain showers at our new place, a bath however is in order. You can do all kinds of beauty treatments such as bathing in milk like Cleopatra!!! (whole milk, non of that 2% nonsence), or rose petal bath! Yummy! Vito thinks he is too much man to be taking baths.... well I don't know, I BET he'd enjoy nice aromatic bath with lavender salts and aromatherapy candles....


white sand white? or japan blossoms white? morning after the party on the yacht cappuccino froth white????

>> Tuesday, November 18, 2008

As you know this whole month we are readying the new house for our move in begining of December. It's hard work!! Yes it's very decadent to say oh... I've been painting the walls all weekend... and I loved it, there is something so exotic about doing things with your hands...

Well, yeah for the first 10 minutes! Then you sweat and feel like a servant and then you get paint on your haaaaaaaa-aa-a-a-aaannnnndd waaahhh!!!

Ok, I'll be a big girl now.

So anyway, we are still in process of cosmetic adjustments to the interior (aha, you like my half-way pro lingo eh?).

So let me recap:

We have choosen the the paint, do you know how hard it is to choose the color that will represent you? Calm you or cheer you up? That will channel all the right things in all the right moments? Do you KNOW how hard it is to choose the RIGHT shade of white???!?!

Everyone is asking if I'm having fun decorating, we're far away from that still! For now the only decoration in the house is Vito and his cute painting outfit...


hmm... that's outRAGEOUS! ;P

Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...

You Are a Katharine!

You are a Katharine -- "I am happy and open to new things"

Katharines are energetic, lively, and optimistic. They want to contribute to the world.

How to Get Along with Me

  • * Give me companionship, affection, and freedom.

  • * Engage with me in stimulating conversation and laughter.

  • * Appreciate my grand visions and listen to my stories.

  • * Don't try to change my style. Accept me the way I am.

  • * Be responsible for youself. I dislike clingy or needy people.

  • * Don't tell me what to do.

What I Like About Being a Katharine

  • * being optimistic and not letting life's troubles get me down

  • * being spontaneous and free-spirited

  • * being outspoken and outrageous. It's part of the fun.

  • * being generous and trying to make the world a better place

  • * having the guts to take risks and to try exciting adventures

  • * having such varied interests and abilities

What's Hard About Being a Katharine

  • * not having enough time to do all the things I want

  • * not completing things I start

  • * not being able to profit from the benefits that come from specializing; not making a commitment to a career

  • * having a tendency to be ungrounded; getting lost in plans or fantasies

  • * feeling confined when I'm in a one-to-one relationship

Katharines as Children Often

  • * are action oriented and adventuresome

  • * drum up excitement

  • * prefer being with other children to being alone

  • * finesse their way around adults

  • * dream of the freedom they'll have when they grow up

Katharines as Parents

  • * are often enthusiastic and generous

  • * want their children to be exposed to many adventures in life

  • * may be too busy with their own activities to be attentive

Take Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz
at HelloQuizzy


>> Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm getting a ton of hits from people looking for the song 'I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien' well, to reveal the mystery here it is:

Englishman in New York- Sting

But you're probably looking for that fun song you danced to on the beach in Buzios...
Here it is:

And no day should pass by without some Piriri PomPom...;)


ciao ciao bambino!

>> Friday, November 7, 2008

we are moving... to la casa nuova!

And this song too, just because... kids tan under the sun but ONE.... tans under the moon


yeah right

>> Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I just HAD to break the 'radio silence' to say:


Seriously!??? SERIOUSLY!??? You REALLY had NOOOO idea??

I have a bunch of blogs that I look in on once in a while on my bloglines. This is one of them. The blogger is a lovely writer, very smart and very cute, so basically I ''approve''. However this post really surprised me...

She is dating a guy for a long time -yeeeeeeears, she is living with him for a while... They go to Rome. He proposes... and she claims she had NO IDEA. Yeah, maybe no idea it would take that LONG!! But not that he proposed!! Please stop... just stop now...

Ok, maybe the circumstance of the proposal could be surprising, but they were in ROME!!! Nothing surprising about that come-on!

Note to all guys about to propose to their girlfriends in (insert any romantic destination): if you propose and she acts all surprised... she is LYING!

This post does not mean at all that guys should not propose to girls in romantic locations.
This post also does not mean that girls should not continue to lie through their teeth and say that they had NO IDEA
It just means that ... we KNOW the 'real' truth... we know... ;)


ukroshenie stroptivogo

>> Tuesday, September 23, 2008

He is 40, batchelor, lives in a vilage and likes to do things the "old fashioned" way.

She is an accidental visitor from the city... who just won't leave! She tells him she is sick and must stay in BED...

The best EVER!

And this is from the same movie, making wine the oldfashioned way... ;)


I disagree

>> Thursday, August 21, 2008

We're shopping for furniture for the new house so I've been following the latest home decor trends and such.... So what is up with BENCHES being all the rage?
They look cute, fine, but completely NOT functional. Like what happens if you ate so much that you just have to recline!???
This is clearly designed with skinny people in mind that don't plan on actually eating when they sit down for dinner.
Don't like..


its all about the butt

>> Sunday, August 17, 2008

An oldie but goodie!! Waw has it really almost been 10 years!?


Dalida!! for you mom & dad!

>> Saturday, August 9, 2008

notice her shirt here, totally instyle now... and sounds familiar from a certain yogurt comercial...?


>> Friday, August 8, 2008

Everyone needs a bit of Celentano in their life!

notice the boots he is wearing... ;)



>> Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Helloooooo people!

It's not that I'm beeezee like cadiz puts it. It's just that I really don't know what direction to take on the blog. What theme to take? I still spy on many peoples via my bloglines but I don't really have any good gossip. Been self absorbed lately to such an extent that sharing stories with others was already like way too much work! ;)

But just wanted to say all is gooooood and lovely. (Don't want to dissappear and have you all worry your pretty little heads off about me.) Big bad Vito and I have aquired our GRAND villa estate (house). My family was here for a visit!!! Squeezed in a trip to Portugal and Paris. All is good in the hood. Enjoying the elusive dutch summer that involved beaching it right after work.

Well that's all the updates for now.
kiss kiss hug hug!


have yourself a little dance!

>> Saturday, July 26, 2008


Me so dutch!

>> Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Well to take a break from dieting, let me tell you about a real DUTCH meal I prepared!

And dieting is stupid anyway, I mean I've spent all this time developing my figure, why in the heck would I want to go and ruin all the efforts with dieting!!??!? Like Sofia Loren said, "All you see here is thanks to spaghetti". Smart woman!

So yes, my super DUTCH meal....


My very own rendition of spinazie stomppot met worst. Basically mashed potatoes with spinach and sausage. Yummy! Though it does seem suspiciously familiar to other similar dishes eaten in Russia, Germany... and ... others.

But there you go, I'm like SO totally Dutch now and stuff! :)


Dieting is fun to do!

>> Monday, May 26, 2008

WHY are Mondays such a PAIN in the REARRRR!!!????????


Ok, so this whole weekend I did nothing but EAT. We met up with friends for a picnic at the park where we had all kinds of scrumptiousness and deliciousness accompanied by white and red "GRAPE JUICE". Well, that is how we had to refer to it after we were acosted by cops. "Sorry guys you can't consume alcohol here, you see that statue over there? Only in that area can you drink alcohol". Well, fine so we'll put the offensive bottles away and carry on with the grape "juice''. Hmm... I wonder if that's how they invisioned their carreer as they sat through police accademy...

Then on sunday I spent an afternoon at High Tea to celebrate a firend's birthday at this super amazing place De Bakkerswinkel. OH......

So I am officially on a DIET!

Today for dinner I cooked up some leeks for myself in plain water. I also cooked a vegetable soup with meatballs for Vito. I went on to eating the leaks... they were yummy. But then I some how ended up adding some cheese and sour cream to them. I also made a delicious bean salad with olive oil, garlic and lime juice for this week... then I ate the whole thing.... Then I decided to try Vito's soup just to make sure it tasted fine... and had 2 bowls...

But apparently that's what happens when you go on a diet, because you're 'depriving' yourself you end up eating more of EVERYTHING ELSE!

Ok, I'll let you know how it goes... :)



>> Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This Saturday the boys had their birthday bash at the beach which was the party of the year. Two hundred of their closest friends joined for the intimate encounter.

I would however like to make an official announcement that if perhaps my friends back home think that certain unanswered emails go unanswered due to my very glamorous lifestyle, it is NOT the case. It is simply my "bad" behaviour. OK!? Can we get that clear people! Bad behaviour that's all. :P

But not to worry, you all are invited to stay in the west wing of my new villa!!!!! (Whenever we buy it that is.)


more flowers!!

>> Friday, May 16, 2008

It's Friday! yey!


Pretty Netherlands

>> Thursday, May 15, 2008

One of the millions of flower photos I took at the Keukenhof gardens last month. Vito's parents took us all to enjoy a sweet day at the park where I unleashed my hidden desire to photograph the insides of EVERY SINGLE TULIP!!! Yeah! Super tourist me!
Another very fabulous new site has been put together to showcase the pretty Holland is http://www.1000dutchdelights.com/
As for me- I've been super busy and has not properly seen the inside of my own residence. I have started learning Dutch again with classes 3x per week. Crazyness.
Pst... huge party this Saturday!.... wheeeeee


Copenhagen weekend!

>> Sunday, May 4, 2008

Yes dears, Vito and I jetted ourselves away to a loooong weekend in Copenhagen! Ahhhh..... there is just something unexplainably dramatic and alluring about exiting the country you live in for a few days. I guess its like flyingover to Cali for a weekend from NYC. From the Netherlands however 2 hour travel in just about any direction by car or plane will lend you in another country! So we took advantage and hoped on over to Denmark. Added bonus, my friend bella Louisa lives in Copenhagen so we got to do some serious hanging around soaking up the sun.

And here you go and don't say I never tell you anything useful:
Copenhagen Island hotel: Lovely place to stay in Copenhagen, walking distance to the center overlooking the harbour:
Sexy modern rooms with big windows, very helpful and friendly concierge, SUPER brekfast bouffet in the morning anything from breakfast pastries, danish specialties, and fresh fruits, all taking place in a sleek restaurant overlooking the harbour.
Sticks'n'sushi: AWESOME sushi! It was intoxicatingly gooooood....
The one on Istedgade is in the neighborhood with a bunch of other good restaurants and bars (don't let the random hookers and junkies turn you off, it's an up and coming neighborhood) Best sushi I've had since NYC, and that's saying alot. (The nice concierge girl tiped us off about this one).
Also on the same street, a GREAT Thai restaurant Spicylicious:
Shoping.... oiiii just weave in and out paralel to the magior shopping street and you find lots and LOTS of cute boutiques.


We partied till the boat sank... then we partied some more..!

>> Wednesday, April 23, 2008

There was some serious party doing on board of Odessa in Amsterdam last weekend.

There is just something about partying 'off shore' that just kicks it up a notch.

There were babies!
And babes...

And of course plenty of champagne!!!

Ciao! Till the next one!


che bella roba... mamma mia!

>> Thursday, April 17, 2008

Today a special treat... We got Italian Musical Nostalgia from the 80s....

I remember bouncing around to these on Sunday mornings when I was 7 or so while mommy prepared breakfast and daddy was inevitably fixing some kind of household electronic item (previously taken apart by himself). Ahhhh how fun it was!! I'm sure these sing alongs have inspired me to later on learn italian...


>> Sunday, April 13, 2008

Can't wait till beach season!!


mmm... and yuuummm....

>> Sunday, April 6, 2008

party must go on!


Just saving the world... and stuff...

>> Saturday, March 29, 2008

Perito Moreno, Patagonia, Argentina.

Apparently this is the ONLY glacier in the world that is NOT diminishing in size. HA! Take that global warming! So does that mean I can continue to let my water run as I brush my teeth....?

The whole green vs not green products etc. I personally think we are way to advanced in ruining the earth to be able to reverse the damage, however learning to live "greenly" is probably a good idea if BY SOME DIVINE MIRACLE the world will somehow self rejuvinate and basically give us another chance... Wheather this miraculous intervention will happen or not is totally out of our hands.

Personally, the reason I'm sold on using natural products, made the "green" way is because corporate, penny pinching, evil fat cats can just shove their parabens up their fannies cus even though I think Penelope Cruz is pretty she is MOST probably using some home made beauty concoction her grandma taught her rather then your 6Euro trash that you make her advertise.

Anyway, JUST not to be taken for a fool, we should not buy this nonsense. They have a choice to make their products healthy and good, but they choose to peddle cheap sh-it. Seriously how DARE them knowingly choose to make and sell crap!???? Well because they think that if we see Penelope's face on it we will buy it no matter what. And you know why they think so? Well, clearly because they think we are IDIOTS.

So that's it! boycott all this nonsense.

ditto for nasty food with "additives"...

ditto HOLLYWOOD! look people how many times do I have to say it... if you keep watching idiotic crap on TV and paying good money to watch similar idiotic crap in the movies, they'll keep making it! Same goes to the rest of the world. I understand you don't have enough money to organize your own movie studios and it's easier to buy ready made hollywood nonsense, but come on, can you at least try???

Well, i'm glad I got this off my chest, so basically, since we can't shop for clothes, shoes, food, COSMETICS... it's time to pack our bag (on second thought don't bother brining your yukky sinthetics..) and move to the deapth of AMAZON. Yo, I rather take my chances with Anaconda jumping out and eating me... rather then the slow and sure strangulation that we are undergoing every day in today's world!!!!!!!


Depressing? Nah... there really are good products and companies out there, unfortunately not many and we have to seek them out with our own energies.

anyway, lets get back to some really important pressing issues, such as regular partying! ...which will recommence... ...... ......NOW!!!!


MARCH Babies!!!!

>> Friday, March 28, 2008

What a fabulous day! I have to admit something... I LOVE Birthdays!!

I just think that there is no way you could go wrong on that day! It's a day to reflect on the year and celebrate all the achievements all the good things and toast to the next year! (Kind of like a very PRIVATE New Years Eve!). I know some people tend to be sad or depressed that they're getting older or for whatever other reasons. I think you should always be happy especially on that day.
Birthday is simply a chance to remember all the great things in your life and infact say thank you to the people in your life. Even if you've had a terrible year lets say, Birthday is a chance to close the chapter and make new plans for the next year! Next year being a brand new chance to make it a great one!

Well enough philosophy. I love Birthdays. I love presents, little presents,
big presents, shiny presents, drinkable presents, EATable
presents!!! All prents are ALL GOOD with me!!
And... best of all... Birthdays come complete with their very own PARTY! Well since this is my big 3-0 I have decided to party year round! ha!
Speaking of celebrations la Bernadetta and Rainirio gave birth (well SHE gave birth and I believe Rainirio stood by trying to be helpful?) anyway, gave birth to little Nate-baby! In fact it's the second Nate-boy I know under the age of 2. How adorable, I had instructed B to have the bay ON my birthday but I guess she was 5 hours late... it's ok! Close enough! March babies rock! Though I don't think she was worried about it as she was in labour...
Hmm... having babies is deffinitely NOT a party, I mean the word "labour" should be a complete give away that it's WORK!! Labour - not party- but work! Just sayin'......
Anyway back to ME.
People are asking me how it feels to be 30. Well I say GREAT! I now no longer have to make excuses for being so glam, fab, elegant, nor do I have to wait for special occasions to wear big rings and furs! Thank you very much!
Now I just have to really make myself believe that I'm grown up enough to have a mercedes in midnight blue (the color is all the rage this spring btw), a yacht, and donate obscene amounts to non profit causes. (All the starts to it!) ;)
Ok, I will now let EGO out as it's feeling stifled in this livingroom...


A walk in the "park"

>> Wednesday, March 26, 2008

On Monday in the middle of crazy snow storm... there came through some sunshine and beautiful blue skies! I just can't get enough of the dunes!!

This is what it looked like in the morning. I took a picture, I knew you'd ask :)


The Russian Mistique

>> Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I love this painting... a copy used to hang at our dacha in Ukraine.
On Saturday we attended the Russische sprookjes, volksverhalen en legenden exhibition at the Groninger Museum. It was a collection of a number of famous Russian artists that worked on illustrating old folklore, stories and legends. I was pleasantly surprized at the amount of paintings and drawing that were brought in. Ahhh was so good to see all the illustrations to the stories mom read to me everyday at badtime. Russian folklore is incredibly rich. I mean you have your beautiful girl, the good looking prince, mystical animals and forests that help our main charachters fight the bad guys, Kashei and Baba Yaga. Then of course there are countless humourous stories featuring Ivan, the idiot who always outsmarts everyone! High sea adventures, stories of glory, honor and bravery. Ahhhh....

Here are three princesess representing Gold, Silver and Iron. Just to illustrate how Iron has always been thought of as an extremely important element.

I was excited to show Vito a bit more of the culture from which I'm coming from... though I think the only thing I convinced him more is of my snobby, elitist attitude :P So what if I mean it when I say I'm a princess. To be perfectly honest (and don't go around repeating this) I would also be very happy with a simple countess title. (See, don't say I'm a snob.)

There were also a big exhibition of Chinese ancient bronzes. Very prettily done, with mysterious white gauze curtains... hanging mysteriously 'round. Of course Vito and I couldn't resist playing some hide and seek. Almost knocked one of the stands over...

And... here is me with my true treasure find! A scarf that I got in Argentina, I met the designer who is awesome, her entire line is based on Patagonia inspiration.


Happy feet!

>> Saturday, March 22, 2008

I was in DIRE need of pampering!!! I mean, it took 3 WEEKS to get an appointment at this beauty salon... I mean hello, do they seriously not realize WHO I AM!?? Ugh! After Argentina I've been just waiting to get my pedi done... I literally had to sleep with my (extra fluffy white) spa socks on so that the world does not see my NAKED (as in no COLOR) toes!!! ...Not that the "WORLD" sleeps with me, but you know what I mean, I myself did not want to even look at them, see I try to block out all the depressing images.

Also, I couldn't let Vito see my toes, I mean, I have him convinced that my toes are naturally pearly pink, I can't let him know the real truth! ("Real" truth, btw is a genius frase made up by my little brother. Whenever (always) he doubted the authenticity of our explanations for why a certain thing must be done, like not eating in front of TV or brushing teeth everyday- he would always ask: "Are you telling me the REAL truth?" goodness, nothing can get by kids these days.

So yes, must not let Vito know "REAL truth".... ;) ....oh right, he reads this blog...hi honey!...

ps: so now I got "Easter toes"! I love Chanel...
psps: I wanted to take pictures at the salon, but forgot in all the commotion. I do have to say that since we got Chanel pedicures we did not want to risk ruining them so we wore our little spa flip-flops to walk down the street to our dinner... IN THE FREEZING RAIN. Ahh... the stuff we do for beauty!


>> Thursday, March 20, 2008

In exactly ONE week it'll be my b-day. Hint: it's a BIG round NUMBER! I don't mind it's ok, it's ok (repeat ten times, stop, repeat again.) But really I actually don't mind because I still look 17 and trying desperately to dress appropriately and even put away my very mini-minis just so I can arrive at looking my actual age! People say, Oh it's GREAT! you're so lucky you look young, when you're 50 you'll look 35. Yeah right! I'm sure it doesn't work that way... I'll probably look 20 till 35 and after that I'll start looking 50. So basically I will skip out on everything between 35 and 50!? That's not fun.

Lets see, here are advantages for looking way younger...

1. Paying for a 16 and under juniors pass to go to the pool... at 26
2. Skiing at a big discount on a junior pass (16 and under).... at 28
When I was in my senior year of High School my family moved from NY to Chicago. I got hit on by ALL kinds of FRESHMEN! Imagine the embarrassment when some little boy with his cap on backwards would stroll into my AP English and hand me a note from his "friend". YES a NOTE! Like, if you like me check the BOX. But I thought it was funny... I always kinda had a thing for younger men.... Though maybe its because they were the only ones that would approach me...

However, I annoyingly had to try really hard to look older (my age) to be taken seriously... like wearing fake glasses to a job interview (I got the job... then slowly fazed out the glasses). Getting carded EVERYWHERE (well now in Europe this does not happen of course). Here I can drink all kinds of drinkies to my heart's delight and not have to show my id. I can have like 21 beers a night and no one will even blink! Just kidding! That was only that one time! (ok, two times..)

Well before we party hardy for my birthday.... we shall party on over a 4 DAY WEEKEND for Easter! whoohooo! Also my b-day party will have to be sometime in April since many of my superfabulous and glamorous friends are traveling.... China, North Carolina, Paris... Sydney! (Ha! don't you love it, NC is now an exotic destination!)

Hope the weather will play along. Snow is expected on Saturday! BTW the picture above, I took in my neighborhood this winter. It never actually snowed, but it was just FROSTY everywhere.

Weird Holland.



Major party poopers

>> Wednesday, March 19, 2008


One of the cockiest firms, the oldest investment firm, Bear Sterns have been stabbed with a needle and all the HOT air has pfffffed and escaped out. Bear sterns was sold to jp morgan for chump change. All the employees with their fancy stock plans are now being counseled by grief councilors (provided by Bear Sterns) about what to do as you see your life savings go out the window.

Now this is a VERY good lesson to everyone. Have you not been listening ot your mamas? DO NOT GIVE YOUR MONEY TO STRANGERS! You give your money to strangers, you will not see it ever. You go to work be happy that you have a place to go to everyday that pays you. BUT don't turn around and give that hard earned money BACK to the people that riped it out of their loins to give it to you in the first place!??? WHY?

That's why NOBODY will see any of my.. MILLIONS (of pennies)!!! I will take the pennies and buy land, houses, gold chunks, little islands of the coast of south america. But I'll never give that money to "uncle"!!!!

Anyway, I just hope that this is a good lesson for everyone. Don't let other people make decisions about your moneys. They're smarter then you??? Of course they're not!!! They're all IDOTS!

Party on!

ps: oh just in case you are worried sick about the top executives at Bear Sterns... DONT WORRY!!! THEY have been quietly selling off their company shares since last year!!!! so much for inside trading being a no-no. Sure you make an example of a poor polish girl Marta, but no problem, all the fat cat criminals at Bear Sterns will not be touched. BS! yes isn't it funny show the Bear Sterns and bull shit carry the same initials "BS".


The party has started... un deux trois!!!

>> Monday, March 17, 2008

It's official!

Like take today for example. The party started out at approximately 7.22am as I stepped onto the party train. It was PACKED! I mean EVERYONE wanted to be IN! I moseyed on upstairs to the "lounge" to lounge until it was my stop.

I then spent about 9 hours partying at this other place (that I party at every day from 8.30 to 5.30)... It was... fun... ! ehem....

Then I partied again on the party train. It was even MORE packed! What a meat market!

Now I'm home, and just having a chill- afterparty.

Party on you party animals!
*picture is really of the station I go to everyday.


Ahh the open road!

>> Sunday, March 16, 2008

It seems like such a long time ago, just a few weeks ago we were driving around Argentina...
As you can note, blogging has been going very poorly for me. I really think I need a new angle. The whole "sunny all the time" is not really working. I'm thinking maybe to take mom and dad's advice and rename this blog. "Party all the time".... Or jet setting all the time, something that I actually DON'T do everyday but, lets say, strive to. Maybe I can just pretend I'm really really rich, and write all the stories with that twist to it??? A bit "fake it till you make it" type deal???
Any suggestions on a new 'angle' for the blog?


intermission 2

>> Thursday, March 13, 2008

things that are not right with the world.

- people that use email service other than gmail need to stop. I know it's creepy to see ads relating to your private emails on the side bar, but it's even more annoying if i can't see your name on the left side bar with a little green dot next to it.

- coffee should be HOT. Now get it right people. Just because some lady burned herself and sued McDonalds does not mean everyone should now serve luke warm coffee. It should be HOT. It should not be BOILING but it should be HOT. GET IT RIGHT!

- it should not rain when i'm wearing a skirt

- or nice boots/shoes

- basically it should just NOT rain when i'm going to work, or to a party or anywhere else that involves getting there by being outside. If I'm using my private underground network of connecting passageways, then by all means, it may rain.

- please do NOT make a leaning tower of pisa out of my FOOD! Have you not heard that architectural food is OUT!

- just because the fashion now days is total crap, it does not mean you have to follow suit (haha get it) and fill your stores with similarly sub par articles!!!

- tip for wearers: if it makes 9ft stick models look chubby, chances are it's making you look like a WHALE. Don't wear it just because it's "in fashion".

-tip to fashion designers: if you insist on designing clothes meant for the unfortunate women who were born with no boobs, no ass and with bones protruding out of their shoulders and ribs good luck. cus i'm not buying your clothes. (and neither will any other woman with a kick ass figure because she would like something that fits HER not her refrigerator.)

note: I've reviewed Fall 2008 RTW collections and we have some hope.... the clothes still look like the designers had no rulers and just cut any which way, but the shapes are at least more resembling a human body rather then... a BALL.... or a kittie litter box.

please can someone make PRETTY clothes? is that so hard? stop taking drugs they're obviously bad for you!!!!

some things in the world are still done correctly:

- when I ask you to suggest a cocktail that I may enjoy (that it should be sweet but not too sweet, should not include, pineapple juice, orange juice or vodka) do understand me from half a sentence and bring me an excellent cocktail with tanquerey and wild berries.


PATAGONIA!!!! pictures worth thousand of words

>> Wednesday, March 5, 2008

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Posted by Picasa


Buenos Aires

>> Monday, March 3, 2008

I must say I feel really good to be back. That is, I'm not all depressed that vacation is over and it's back to "real life". I think it's because I like my "real life". Though I feel that Holland is my home now, I still felt like coming back would be simply continuing the party else where! Hmm... what do they say, that the "honeymoon" period with a new place is 2 years? Well, I'm just reaching year 1 so we still got some time :)

Now... Argentina! Some spoilers: icebergs floating in turquoise waters, no money in ATM machines, lots of MEAT, psychodelic multi-tone mountains, towns of 4 streets, floods, mudslides and other natural wonders, wine ice-cream! airlines on strike, big water and last but not least, cross border document issues.

We'll start from the very begining.

Buenos Aires (BsAs)

And I couldn't resist to snap a pic of few very sexy locals! ;)


This place was amazing! Olsen, Scandinavian Restaurant in Palermo. It was just oozing sexyness. The food was fantastic and their cocktails were out of this world.

Place/Contact: Gorriti 5870 - Palermo, Buenos AiresTel: +54 (11) 4776 7677

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