Muggers in New York City.

>> Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Hey everyone,
I just thought it was important to discribe my salad to you. It is deliSHUS!
I decided to check out a new place for lunch today. Bad idea! First of all, they didn't know my name, and at my usual place they do. Secondly their prices were rediculous!!!!!

Their salads were priced as follows:

The greens: $4.95
Add meet or tuna: $1.50
Each additional ingredient is: $0.50

This is a very tipical situation for Manhattan lunch time eating and my job being located on 5th avenue, most places will impose this on you for sure. I turned around and left because today I was in the mood for actually EATING. I went back to my usual place, which from the outside does not look any different then the rest... It has the buffet island, the hot food, the Sushi, soups, sandwiches and other stuff like cakes and coffee. While it looks the same, what's surprising is the price. Its just LESS. No matter what I get, its always LESS than at other places.

OK so I got this wonderfull salad, lets do a talley and compare how much this "fantasy" salad would cost at that other place:

MY wonderful "fantasy" salad:

Lots of greens -
Corn -
Beets -
Chick peas -
Mushrooms -
Black Olives -
Backed Salmon -

My cost: $5.70

Their cost, using the "fantasy" price chart, would be: $4.95 + $1.50 + (5 ingredients: $2.50) = $9.00 (Correct? I didn't use a calculator...) Anyway, its CRAZINESS!!!

So there you have it! Oh and if I was still addicted to coffee I would be getting a Starbucks Rasberry White Chocolate Mocha for $5.00..... (They're just SHAMELESS!) That would make my humble lunch of a salad and a coffee cost $14 bucks! Waw... and what if I wanted a water to go... $2.00. WAW- $17!!!! And of course after realizing that I just spent almost $20 bucks for lunch I would need to sit down in the nearest bar for a beer to drown my sorrows.... $3.00... THERE- Now it really is an even $20 for a simple lunch.

I'm just a financial guru on the days that I BRING lunch from home... on those days I save $20... Making my yearly savings of: $4,800.

And this is how they do it in NY. Tourists are always afraid of being mugged in NY. Well honeys, its INEVITABLE! YOU WILL be mugged everytime you go to lunch!!!

Most wanted muggers of New York City:
1. Starbucks
2. Any other coffee place
3. Any lunch place
4. Any restaurant
5. MTA - to include busses, trains, subway, etc... except for the Staten Island ferry its free, but you might be mugged ON it.

Yes this is an invitation to tell me what you had for luch today, and YES its an invitation to continue my muggers list!!!! In fact PLEASE do! We need to know who is taking our kidneys everyday!!!

Big Kisses to my fellow victims!


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