
>> Friday, March 16, 2007

It's almost SPRING and New York is under a blanket of sleet, ice and snow! What is this!???

They obviously didn't get my memo about keeping it Sunny All the Time! :)

So yes, welcome! And don't worry, Spring will start doing its magic soon. It's not called for nothing a time of change, new energy, perhaps new beginnings.. ;)

Well some of you know exactly what I'm talking about... but lets just go over it once again, shall we!?

How about a nice little MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY!

Yeah! That sounds like fun, lets DO IT!

Ahhhh moving to Holland... sounds so far away and exotic doesn't it? Well, lets be honest now, as fun and adventurous as moving to another country is, I'm definitely not going to Holland because it's sunny all the time there. In fact, I heard rumors (via BBC weather) that it's actually a pretty rainy country...

But Holland has many other good qualities, great cheese! cute windmills! seas of Tulips (my favorite flowers)! But the main attraction is of course the greatest and most wonderful Vito... no he is not mentioned on Wikipedia, nor is he on display on tourism websites (thank goodness!!). Also, in spite of the italianissimo name, he is Dutch, not Italian, it's just everyone mentioned here will be assigned an Italian sounding name. Why? Because I said so.

Oh, an when am I moving exactly? In a couple of weeks-ish!!!

Anyway, the bottom line is, we're all going on a pretty exciting ride and no matter what it must be noted that:

"Sunny" is NOT a weather condition but a state of BEING!

...Kinda like my princess status actually. (But don't worry Maxima, your job is safe.)



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